Make your story visual with color and trends

Scoreboards and scorecards are great ways to tell your story.

And the clearer you can tell it, the better.

Fridays are for shipping code.

Here are more superpowers that #justshipped in direct response to your requests

- Switch visuals on the team weekly to show your numbers as a scorecard instead of scoreboard.

- Enhanced color coding in scorecards

- Archive or re-activate your numbers
(aka “kpi’s” “measurable’s” “metriccs”)

- Abbreviate large numbers

- Add issues and action from your KPI’s

What did you ship this week?
#ceos #kpis #okrs #strategyexecution #remotework


See progress at a glance with this addition for easy to read scorecards


Directly embed video in your playbooks, add issues and actions from your metrics, and more