at work and anywhere else.
That’s our mission.

Pictured above: Workshop on teams + execution given @ University of California at Berkeley

We realize our mission through software products and content.

We focus on helping people at work.

We start at the top and the bottom by focusing on the leader: the CEO.

And we focus on delivering real value for the people on the front-lines of the digital workplace.

We’ve set a Big Hairy Audacious Goal that drives us—we’ll update you on that as we progress.

And we’ll update this page later with a fuller version of our vision and those goals.

For now, read on to learn more about our principles and core values.

We’d love to hear from you, so reach out to us through the contact form or hit us on social. We are most active on LinkedIn.


TLDR: Corporate tools and thinking around teamwork are stuck in a maze created around 1915.

ResultMaps software offers you different ways to make sense of the problems that come up around teamwork and individual development. If you are interested in why, it’s useful to read through what we believe. These beliefs are the principles that also guide ResultMaps.

Here’s what we believe:

Life = team sport + performing art

Jazz, team sports, and martial arts offer useful and concrete ways to think about the world. There are other performing arts that probably do the same, but these domains have informed this platform more than industrial-age management principles. There is a kind of dialog between the development of teams and the individuals in them that you can see in these domains. In these domains, individuals (and teams) actively experiment. This experimentation drives learning and improvement. As a result, when we practice them, we develop skills step-by-step. We cultivate good habits. We prune the bad ones. And we recombine styles to create new ones.

Teams unlock our best

We come into the world connected to others—social from day one. Research shows over and over that we thrive through connection to others. That applies even when we are developing ourselves. This topic could be a book in and of itself. You can see our commitment to this in our unique point of view about how software should serve teams. We love messaging apps and communication apps, but none of those care about teams. We love the idea of using computers to help, but we find “task management” and “software management” to be over-indexed on working like production lines in the manufacturing world. Those forms of teamwork served a purpose, but they don’t work in a complex and changing world.

Our sense of meaning creates energy

Our performance as people, whether at work or at play, tracks directly with our motivation to perform. History is full of heroic deeds inspired by a strong sense of meaning. But even in the workplace, it’s been shown that a sense of meaning is essential to motivation and performance.

Mindset = boundaries

Mindset—the way we think about things—sets the boundaries of performance. The idea of a “growth mindset” is that skills can be developed step-by-step. This is a critical idea that is only just beginning to be taken seriously in the workplace. We know that behaviors are learned and trained. Habits are formed and can be replaced. Our brains and bodies adapt in response to change. “Personality” isn’t a fixed thing, and most personality tests are snake oil. We create and continually recreate our personalities.

Results > the name on the box

Today, there are a number of outstanding frameworks and toolsets available. We love the great work people do to create various systems and methods. We respect the many trademarks received and books written on teamwork, process, and business. We don’t believe anyone has found the one true way. We believe the quality of our goals is more important than whose favorite name is used to describing the process of goal setting. Our results are the end game—not the set of moves made to reach the end game.


Here are the behaviors we value

If you are interested in joining our team, email us directly. Here is what to expect from your prospective teammates, what your teammates will expect from you, and what we push each other to practice. Integrity, diversity, and other ideals are all valued here. But those are the price of entry and the guiding ideas for our policies. They are not descriptions of every-day behaviors you can action. So, here are our actionable core values.

Team for the wins
It takes a team for everyone to be their best. We value extreme ownership of outcomes. We value coming through for our teammates. From our founding, we’ve been what you’d call “remote teams” that work from home and from offices all over the world. Succeeding as a team in this environment requires a special focus on how we work together and relentless pursuit of improving that quality of teamwork.

Communicate to win
Great teams communicate well. We value proactive communication and working at being concise, and we’re always improving our ability.

Work like it’s an art
A lot goes into work. Science, practice, and a lot of fuzzy things. We have fun when we take pride in creating things together. It’s also rewarding to develop new skills or hone older ones. And we want to build things that we’ll still feel great about years from now.

Learn like you’re hungry
Fast learning wins. Keep learning. Refine the skill of learning.

Bias toward action
Taking action usually beats doing nothing. It almost always serves the other values. This is true even if you look at it from a learning perspective to quickly hypothesize and test ideas. And it’s still true when you view a long journey where each small step advances you. Small steps accrue, and you can gather information by doing.

Win through time and space
Our team knows the value of the clock, and we practice using it. We work together in that “remote teams” model, and that’s pushed us to ensure everyone works well independently and learns to use the clock well. It also means we focus on making those types of wins possible with our meeting and work cadences.

Finish strong
See the thing through to completion. Take ownership of the results.

Team of teams
Organizing into teams is one of the great inherent human behaviors. From families to tribes and communities and nations. Even though we love the most rugged individualists…we recognize individualism is a luxury afforded by the team. Finding impactful ways to give back back to our communities is something our mission demands of us.

Learn more about our team here