Updates to help you build new habits faster

Our product team has been leaning into the idea of “tiny changes made every day” and it’s producing some nice features you might miss.

All of these changes have the goal of keeping aligned to this recent customer quote:

“ResultMaps pulls you in to being organized and disciplined without slowing you down”

We’ve been making sure there are hover tips and help for everything in ResultMaps.

That means you don’t have to try to memorize all the details as you go.

And you can boldly click anything knowing you’ll be able to get back to context fast.

And that means less time learning software and thinking frameworks - more time focused on getting results.

hover text.png

Ready to try it? Log in and hover over any link for a quick description of what the link does.


Strengthen processes and visibility without leaving your keyboard


Go faster and keep discipline with templates and checklist improvements